Cary NC Customer Went To Work, Came Home To This Water Damage

Water Heater Cause to Ceilings Collapse

Yesterday one of our customers came home to find water pouring out our their third floor attic ceiling with much of the drywall ceiling collapsed with soaked insulation everywhere.  the owner remembered to call 919 EMERG-NC and we were there in 30 minutes.  EMERG+NC Property Rescuers is now in the process of following the IICRC S500 water damage restoration standards to dry out this home.  This this is completed, we will reconstructing this home to bring it back to is original pre-property damage event condition.

Polybutylene Water Supply Line Failure

Pipes made from polybutylene were installed in up to 10 million homes in the Unites States between 1978 and 1995. Production was ceased in mid-1996 after many allegations claiming that polybutylene pipes were rupturing and causing property damage. In buildings that still contain this material, owner must either pay to have the pipes replaced or risk a potentially expensive plumbing failure. Problems with leaks and broken pipes led to a class action lawsuit, that was settled for $1 billion. The leaks were associated with degradation of polybutylene exposed to chlorinated water. In the buildings that still contain this material, wise property owners  are encouraged to have the pipes replaced or risk a potentially expensive plumbing failure like this one in Cary NC. Water is serious property damage event! For a very comprehensive guide on polybutylene water pipes and the various issues they can cause in your home, please review this great article by Arie Van Tuijl, Founder of Home Inspection Secrets:

Beyond the Cleanup: The Human Side of Property Damage Restoration

Emergency Restoration: Immediate 24/7 Water Damage Restoration

About Us

We are here 24/7 to hand the disasters that may strike anytime. EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® specializes in water damage restoration in Raleigh, NC but are also equipped to handle emergencies caused by flood, mold, fire, smoke, wind, and biohazards.