Is Mold Inspection and Testing Covered by my Insurance?

mold in petri dish

Typically yes, but these services should only ethically performed by an independent third party Indoor Environmental Professional (IEP) that will not profit from the actually findings.   The cost of performing mold testing falls under the $5,000 ‘mold remediation’ cap of most policies.  Indoor Air Quality and Surface sampling can sometimes run in the $500 – $1,000 range in the Raleigh, Cary, Durham and RTP region of NC depending on the number of samples taken and post remediation clearance testing a getting written remediation protocol.   There is tremendous value in doing this from a quality control and contractor recourse by having such services completed by an independent third party Indoor Environmental Professional (IEP) only.

Also keep in mind that Mold which is caused by sudden onset Water Damage is covered under the terms of conventional residential insurance policies in North Carolina.  The $5,000 mold remediation cap is for the cleaning and removal of Mold only in such cases. Water damage and any associated dwelling restoration, reconstruction or repairs are also covered in this cases.  Typically the insurance deductible or co-pay is the responsibility of the policy holder.  The actual cause of the water damage such as a broken pipe for example is not covered under the the terms of most water related property damage events.


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We are here 24/7 to hand the disasters that may strike anytime. EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® specializes in water damage restoration in Raleigh, NC but are also equipped to handle emergencies caused by flood, mold, fire, smoke, wind, and biohazards.