EMERG+NC wants you to STOP, DROP, and ROLL!

We all remember this. This was introduced to us in early in our childhood and still remains the main procedure today. Each year, hundreds of people are killed or seriously injured from burns received when their clothing catches fire. Many of these fatalities and serious injuries could be prevented if the proper procedures were followed.

The procedures that can save your life in case of your clothing catching on fire are to “Stop, Drop, & Roll” technique which is easy to follow:

It is important that our senior citizens and small children be instructed in this technique as it is these two groups who are statistically most susceptible to clothing-related fires.

Here are 3 things to remember:

STOP: If your clothing catches fire, immediately stop. DO NOT RUN! or try to pat out the flames with your hands.

DROP: Immediately drop to the floor or ground and lay out flat.

ROLL: Once on the ground or floor, roll over and over smothering the flames as you roll. If a blanket, rug or large jacket is available it can be used to wrap the body, also smothering the flames.


Beyond the Cleanup: The Human Side of Property Damage Restoration

Emergency Restoration: Immediate 24/7 Water Damage Restoration

About Us

We are here 24/7 to hand the disasters that may strike anytime. EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® specializes in water damage restoration in Raleigh, NC but are also equipped to handle emergencies caused by flood, mold, fire, smoke, wind, and biohazards.