Not all disasters are created equal, and while a leaking roof may present some immediate challenges, it’s not on par with the aftermath of a hurricane or a region-wide power outage. The Boy Scouts are right: It pays to be prepared. Even if it never happens to you, history teaches us nothing if not the importance of planning for the worst. A simple emergency kit can provide everything you need when big disasters hit. Equip it with the following:
+ Flashlight
+ Battery-operated radio
+ Five gallons of drinking water in bottles or jugs, for each member of the household
+ Extra batteries
+ Enough canned food or packaged nonperishable food for several days
+ Candles and matches
+ Warm blankets
+ Change of clothes for each member of the household
+ A basic first-aid kit
Keep these supplies in a clean, dry area that will be easy to reach in an emergency. For a more comprehensive list of extra supplies and equipment that may be of use, check out the Department of Homeland Security’s website for emergency planning at