EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® Receives US Trademark Registration

EMERG+NC Property Rescuers®



What makes EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® truly innovative is its direct-to-consumer insurance claim contracting which has grown 25% top & bottom-line WITHOUT being an insurance company preferred vendor.

— Kevin C Oakley, Chairman and CEO

RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, UNITED STATES, September 12, 2016 /EINPresswire.com/ — Kevin C. Oakley, Chairman and CEO proudly announced today that it has received an official Registered Trademark from the United States Patent and Trademark Office for EMERG+NC Property Rescuers®. “Our name EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® screams to consumers: This is exactly who we are and what we do”, says Oakley. “No one has to decipher what services we provide or when we provide it. This brand is self-explanatory and can be figured out in about 2 seconds by any consumer on their cell phone performing a Google search,” added Oakley.

The brand: EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® was born out of Oakley’s goal to completely differentiate the business. “Most service contractor businesses say they provide emergency service, but try actually calling them any time after 5:00 PM and you’ll rarely get anyone to pick up the phone. Most of these businesses attempt to avoid emergency services like the plague”, says Oakley. “EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® embraces the emergency damage event as a true door opening opportunity. Getting to the customer immediately does wonders for strengthening the company’s credibility. Our customers sees EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® as heroes that takes the time to explain the insurance claim process in most cases, much better than the insurance company does. Today’s claim adjusters just do not have the time to get the customer to a point of clear understanding of what the insurance lingo means, what steps need to be taken next, what is covered, and how the claims reimbursement process even works. Claims adjusters are much more likely to be viewed as the ‘grim reaper’, who really does not even want to engage with customers for fear of misleading them about the realities of insurance coverage claims in general”, says Oakley.

EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® takes the time to do this for their customers and once the emergency damage event is under control, the service provided at the very beginning of the process is a natural lead-in for helping these distraught customer through the rest of the claims process. It opens doors for capturing the remainder of the project as a ‘turn-key’ solution and instantly expands the overall opportunity for the business.

EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® has both natural and instantaneous brand recognition. The company did extensive branding research and determined that a customer needs to know who you are and what you do instantaneously. The name: EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® and the company’s tag line, ‘We’ll Respond in a Heartbeat’ provides exactly that message to the consumer without a second thought.

EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® and the large ‘Star of Life’ symbol clearly indicates a rescuer/paramedic message and states that announces the mission of being in the ‘Emergency Business’ and ‘Property Rescuers’, says exactly what the business does. Since the business was founded in North Carolina, EMERG+NC subliminally says it is a local company, but because the business also has nationwide future growth aspirations the future branding of ‘NC’ is also intended to mean ‘National Contractor’ which is a simple refocused future planned marketing campaign without missing a beat. Both the local telephone number and national toll free number spells out the company’s name: 919 EMERG-NC (363-7462) and 844 EMERG NC (363-7462). The company’s tagline: ‘We’ll Respond in a Heartbeat’ is seen in our logo graphics, by both showing a heartbeat / EKG trace embedded within it and showing a residential and commercial property and a large EKG trace with our various services spelled out clearly. This branding package reinforces that the business will be there very quickly / ASAP / STAT without stipulating an impossible to measure and fictitious time frame in minutes or hours

“What makes EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® unique is its direct-to-consumer only insurance damage claim provider service, which has progressively demonstrated both 25% top-line and 25% bottom-line growth over the last two fiscal years in spite of the fact that it does not use, or rely on, insurance company controlled programs or third party administrator (TPA) based contractor discount programs. We have no back-door preferential contracts with any insurance carriers, as such arrangements only lower profit margins and are not needed in today’s instant access to information world. To the contrary, we manage turn-key insurance claim contracting on-behalf of the property owners exactly as the IICRC industry standards require and by utilizing nationwide standardized accepted insurance pricing parameters Xactimate®, the same pricing accepted by insurance carriers nationally. The EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® registered brand also allows for both a North Carolina (NC) marketplace focus and one that could easily be applied to an expanded National Contractor (NC) network marketplace”, says Oakley.

About EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® It is a property damage restoration firm with substantial long-term profitability by the utilization of a differentiated, direct-to-consumer approach to the marketplace. The firm has honed a ‘disruptive innovation’ circular-flow business model that is both boundless and self-perpetuating in spite of industry norms.

EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® currently services both central and eastern NC and are turn-key property damage insurance claims specialist focusing on 24/7 emergency services and can help homeowners overcome the devastating aftermath of property damage caused by water, fire, mold and other conditions. EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® is a direct-to-consumer service provider that work directly for the property owners (vs. the insurance industry) and delivers guaranteed 24/7 emergency property damage restoration directly to its customers. When the damage is caused by water – whether from an indoor leak, flooding, or violent storms – EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® technicians work quickly, professionally, and in accordance with IICRC S500 and S520 restoration industry standards and abides fully by the North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors while delivering best in class customer services. It is a local, family operated business, owned and managed by Kevin C. Oakley, a proven business leader with over 30 years of start-up and corporate business experience and Ryan K. Oakley an NC licensed general contractor, marketing and communications expert and a seasoned interactive digital marketing specialist . For more information on EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® please visit: emerg-nc.com

Kevin C Oakley
EMERG+NC Property Rescuers®
844 363-7462


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About Us

We are here 24/7 to hand the disasters that may strike anytime. EMERG+NC Property Rescuers® specializes in water damage restoration in Raleigh, NC but are also equipped to handle emergencies caused by flood, mold, fire, smoke, wind, and biohazards.